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ModelFusion Server is desigend for running multi-modal generative AI flows that take up to several minutes to complete. It provides the following benefits:

  • 🔄 Real-time progress updates via custom server-sent events
  • 🔒 Type-safety with Zod-schema for inputs/events
  • 📦 Efficient handling of dynamically created binary assets (images, audio)
  • 📜 Auto-logging for AI model interactions within flows

Server overview



ModelFusion Server is in its initial development phase and not feature-complete. The API is experimental and breaking changes are likely. Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Server Setup​

ModelFusion Server is currently implemented Fastify plugin.

You can configure the plugin with a logger and asset storage. Only FileSystemLogger and FileSystemAssetStorage are currently supported, but you can implement your own logger and asset storage and use it with the plugin.

import {
} from "modelfusion-experimental/fastify-server"; // '/fastify-server' import path

// configurable logging for all runs using ModelFusion observability:
const logger = new FileSystemLogger({
path: (run) => path.join(fsBasePath, run.runId, "logs"),

// configurable storage for large files like images and audio files:
const assetStorage = new FileSystemAssetStorage({
path: (run) => path.join(fsBasePath, run.runId, "assets"),

fastify.register(modelFusionFastifyPlugin, {
basePath: "/myFlow",
flow: exampleFlow,

Flow Schema​

The flow schema defines the structure of the input and the events of the flow.

export const myFlowSchema = {
// input: Zod schema for the input object
input: z.object({
prompt: z.string(),
// events: Zod schema for the events sent to the client
// (use discriminated unions to distinguish between different event types)
events: z.discriminatedUnion("type", [
type: z.literal("text-chunk"),
delta: z.string(),
type: z.literal("speech-chunk"),
base64Audio: z.string(),

Flow Invocation from the Client​

Using invokeFlow, you can easily connect your client to a ModelFusion flow endpoint:

import { invokeFlow } from "modelfusion-experimental/browser"; // '/browser' import path

url: `${BASE_URL}/myFlow`,
schema: myFlowSchema,
input: { prompt },
onEvent(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "my-event": {
// do something with the event
// more events...
onStop() {
// flow finished

Flow Implementation​

ModelFusion flows are composed of a flow schema and an async process function. The process function receives the input object and a flow run. It can use the run to publish events to the client and to store assets.

export const myFlow = new DefaultFlow({
schema: myFlowSchema,
async process({ input, run }) {
// Call some AI model:
const transcription = await generateTranscription({
model: openai.Transcriber({ model: "whisper-1" }),
/* ... */
functionId: "transcribe", // optional: provide functionId for logging

run.publishEvent({ type: "my-event", input: transcription });

// more AI model calls and custom processing etc.



Source Code

multi-modal, object generation, object streaming, image generation, text to speech, speech to text, text generation, embeddings

StoryTeller is an exploratory web application that creates short audio stories for pre-school kids.

Duplex Speech Streaming​

Source Code

Speech Streaming, OpenAI, Elevenlabs streaming, Vite, Fastify, ModelFusion Server

Given a prompt, the server returns both a text and a speech stream response.