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Error: Module not found: Can't resolve 'async_hooks'

You may encounter this error when bundling your application with Webpack or Next.js:

 X ../../packages/modelfusion/dist/core/getRun.js:12:36
Module not found: Can't resolve 'async_hooks'
10 | if (!runStorage) {
11 | // Note: using "async_hooks" instead of "node:async_hooks" to avoid webpack fallback problems.
> 12 | const { AsyncLocalStorage } = await import("async_hooks");
| ^
13 | runStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();
14 | }
15 | return Promise.resolve();

This is because the async_hooks module is not available in the browser. You can configure Webpack to ignore this module by adding the following to your Webpack configuration (e.g. in next.config.js):

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
if (isServer) {
return config;

config.resolve = config.resolve ?? {};
config.resolve.fallback = config.resolve.fallback ?? {};

// async hooks is not available in the browser:
config.resolve.fallback.async_hooks = false;

return config;