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In systems that leverage language or other models, you may often find yourself making multiple model calls within a single execution context.

For instance, in a chatbot application, a process might start by searching for the most relevant document fragments using embeddings, and then proceed to generate a response based on the found fragments.

The Run interface provides a structured way to share information with model calls and log their executions. You can use the DefaultRun implementation or create your own.

Passing a run directly to a model function

To link a model call with a run, you can pass the run as the second parameter to the model call.


const run = new DefaultRun();

const text = await generateText({
model: openai.CompletionTextGenerator(/* ... */),
prompt: "Write a short story about a robot learning to love:\n\n",
run, // pass in the run in the second parameter


Storing the run using AsyncLocalStorage (Node.js)

When ModelFusion runs in a Node.js context, you can use the AsyncLocalStorage to store the run in a global context.

ModelFusion provides withRun() and getRun() functions to make this easy. The model functions automatically use the run stored in the AsyncLocalStorage when you don't pass a run to them.


const run = new DefaultRun({
// ...

// stores the run in the AsyncLocalStorage:
withRun(run, async () => {
// this code could be somewhere deep in your application:

// automatically uses the run stored in the AsyncLocalStorage:
const text = await generateText({
model: openai.CompletionTextGenerator({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
temperature: 0.7,
maxGenerationTokens: 500,
prompt: "Write a short story about a robot learning to love:\n\n",

const run = getRun();
// do something with the run...