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  1. You can get an API key from Cohere.
  2. The API key can be configured as an environment variable (COHERE_API_KEY) or passed in as an option into the model constructor.

Model Functions


Generate Text

CohereTextGenerationModel API

import { cohere, generateText } from "modelfusion";

const text = await generateText({
model: cohere.TextGenerator({
model: "command",
temperature: 0.7,
maxGenerationTokens: 500,
prompt: "Write a short story about a robot learning to love:\n\n",

Stream Text

CohereTextGenerationModel API

import { cohere, streamText } from "modelfusion";

const textStream = await streamText({
model: cohere.TextGenerator({
model: "command",
temperature: 0.7,
maxGenerationTokens: 500,
prompt: "Write a short story about a robot learning to love:\n\n",

for await (const textPart of textStream) {

Embed Text

CohereTextEmbeddingModel API

import { cohere, embedMany } from "modelfusion";

const embeddings = await embedMany({
model: cohere.TextEmbedder({ model: "embed-english-light-v2.0" }),
values: [
"At first, Nox didn't know what to do with the pup.",
"He keenly observed and absorbed everything around him, from the birds in the sky to the trees in the forest.",

Tokenize Text

CohereTokenizer API

import { cohere, countTokens } from "modelfusion";

const tokenizer = cohere.Tokenizer({ model: "command" });

const text = "At first, Nox didn't know what to do with the pup.";

const tokenCount = await countTokens(tokenizer, text);
const tokens = await tokenizer.tokenize(text);
const tokensAndTokenTexts = await tokenizer.tokenizeWithTexts(text);
const reconstructedText = await tokenizer.detokenize(tokens);


API Configuration

Cohere API Configuration

const api = cohere.Api({
apiKey: "my-api-key",
// ...

const model = cohere.TextGenerator({
// ...