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Retrieval Augmented Generation

Research Paper

Retrieval augmented generation is a technique where you retrieve relevant information, e.g., from a vector index, and then add it to the prompt of a language model. Additional instructions can help reduce the hallucination of language models and keep their answers focussed on the provided information.

Retrieval augmented generation consists of two steps:

  1. Retrieving relevant information
  2. Generating a response using a prompt that contains the retrieved information


Source Code

const chunks = await retrieve(
new VectorIndexRetriever({
// some vector index that contains the information:
// use the same embedding model that was used when adding information:
embeddingModel: openai.TextEmbedder({
model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
// you need to experiment with these setting for your use case:
maxResults: 3,
similarityThreshold: 0.8,

Generate an answer from the retrieved information:

const answer = await generateText({
model: openai.ChatTextGenerator({
model: "gpt-4",
temperature: 0, // remove randomness as much as possible
maxGenerationTokens: 500,

prompt: [
// Instruct the model on how to answer:
`Answer the user's question using only the provided information.`,
// To reduce hallucination, it is important to give the model an answer
// that it can use when the information is not sufficient:
`If the user's question cannot be answered using the provided information, ` +
`respond with "I don't know".`,
openai.ChatMessage.user(`## QUESTION\n${question}`),
openai.ChatMessage.user(`## INFORMATION\n${JSON.stringify(chunks)}`),